Hood View Adventist School is seeking a full-time principal for the 2025-2026 school year. A successful candidate will be a strong, experienced leader with excellent communication, team building and administrative skills, who has a demonstrated ability to be an instructional leader and exemplify a commitment to nurturing children spiritually and academically.
Hood View Adventist School (HVAS) is a Preschool - 8th grade school currently serving just over 200 students. It has an outstanding team of teachers and support staff, and great support from constituent churches. HVAS has strong athletic and music programs that are staffed by full-time teachers. The school is located on 20 beautiful acres with a view of Mt. Hood. It has a wonderful family feel in a country setting yet is close to Portland. See the school website - www.hvja.org for more information about the school.
A qualified applicant must hold a bachelor's degree (master's preferred) from an accredited college or university. Candidates should demonstrate a strong relationship with Jesus and have a passion for Adventist education. The individual should hold current NAD certification and must have the legal right to work and reside in the United States and provide evidence of that right if employed. Salary and benefits are based on the denominational wage scale and policy.
Interviews and a decision to hire may occur before the deadline for resumes. To apply, please submit a letter of interest, and resume/CV with your contact information and three professional references to Jeni Schmidt, Associate Superintendent, at jeni.schmidt@oregonadventist.org
Posted by: Jeni Schmidt
Resumé Deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025